1 Temporary Files Cleaner 2 Internet Cache Cleaner 3 System Cleaner 4 Configuration Cleaner 5 Recycle Bin Cleaner 6 Shortcut Cleaner 7 Post-UnInstall Cleaner 8 Post-UnInstall Cleaner (%s) 20 Deletes files with .bak and .tmp extensions from your temporary folder, and deletes files that begin with "~" from your local hard drives. 21 Deletes files in your Internet browser cache that are left over from browsing the Internet. 22 Removes lines in your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files that refer to files that no longer exist. 23 Removes entries in Win.ini and System.ini files that refer to files that no longer exist. 24 Permanently removes deleted files that have been moved to the Recycle Bin. 25 Removes shortcuts to files on your local hard drives that no longer exist. 26 Removes files and folders that were left behind by an applications uninstall feature. 40 %s temporary files have been removed and %s bytes of disk space freed. 41 %s browser cache files have been removed and %s bytes of disk space freed. 42 %s invalid system file entries have been removed. 43 %s invalid initialization file entries have been removed. 44 %s files in the Recycle Bin have been removed and %s bytes of disk space freed. 45 %s shortcut files have been removed and %s bytes of disk space freed. 46 %s files have been removed and %s bytes of disk space freed. 60 %s (%d bytes) 61 %s (folder) 70 Checking %s\n 71 Couldn't open temp file for %s. 72 Couldn't get temp file for %s. 73 Couldn't open %s. 74 Error: couldn't open undo file %s. 75 Couldn't find root directory. 80 Error cleaning %s:%s:%s 81 Checking %s, %s, %s: %s 82 %10s %12s %10s %20s